Credit to various photographers, I would like to thank the team from LifeBuzz and BoredPanda for sharing this great post ♥

With my utmost sincerity, happy belated Mother's Day ! ♥

Mother's Day is long past and I can't wait to share some pictures about it to you all very, very soon (and a long post too at that...) For now, it's all about battling the last few minutes of being steadily awake without my droopy eyelids winning the last remaining bits of my awakened energy...All those typos, all those half-asleep moments. 
Sorry for being quite inactive for a few days. As you might already know, I am swamped in annoying assignments that I just couldn't see an end too. Semester exams are drawing near and I'm neck-in-water sure that lots of you are going through this same stress routine I am experiencing now so please bear (and forgive) me for being terribly behind the blogging schedule...

My heart leaped when I saw these amazing art work for the first time, being featured at one of my favourites, Studded Hearts. I will list out the locations and countries for each of these stair artworks below in chronological order. So make sure you keep up with the order or you might get lost. (Always a dangerous precaution when you are planning to visit this place sometime in the near future)

• Philadelphia Museum of Art •  Seoul • Valparaiso, Chile • Rio de Janeiro, Brazil • Beirut, Lebanon • Seoul's musical theatre, South Korea • Stairs of Peace, Syria • 16th Avenue, San Francisco • Morlaix, France • Tehran, Iran •

Hope you like it. I know it's slightly different from the usual content I usually post but I will definitely put more inspirations up on the blog in very due time :)

Lots of love,


Maira Gall