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Image courtesy of Evgeni Dinev. |
Dear readers,
I had such a blessed Friday listening and learning on a new aspect of His Word. An Indonesian guest pastor will be sharing some joyous news of God throughout this week and I will make sure no grace or blessing is left out from the blog ♥ Melbourne's having a really cool change at the moment, so my lovely Melbournians, please don't forget to bring a spare umbrella next time you leave the house. Oh and adequate layers or a warm jacket is a must!
This week has been a very busy week so far. I had two group presentations, one was really massive and the other one was a breather and two major essays due all within this week. By the grace of God, everything has been done, submitted, close to being marked and I am here writing to you all whilst waiting for some positive marks to come out from teachers' notebooks. It has been a very hectic, but very blessed week indeed.
I believe people can identify their strengths and weaknesses easily. Knowing these doesn't mean we acknowledge them a hundred percent all the time. Acknowledging your weaknesses and stubbornness can be very difficult, and to let God and other people know of our weaker, vulnerable sides can be a real challenge especially if we are taught to be strong and control of ourselves. Acknowledging the fact that I am an over-perfectionist at times was difficult. It was definitely a nasty self-bite moment to myself since I never regarded this side of me to be particularly negative. The group presentations allowed me to reflect that everyone has weaknesses, vulnerable soft spots that make them prone to disappointment or frustration. Sometimes I get so hassled up in the minute things of a slide or movie project and would spend so much time trying to fix that one insignificant error without seeing more pressing matters from my group. As the group leader, I was unaware of the problems my group members were facing sometimes because my mind was fully occupied somewhere else.
God taught me to be more aware of my weaknesses and submit these to Him so they may be used for His glory. Meanwhile, He also taught me to learn to see the bigger picture. Everyone of us can adopt a more holistic mindset. But do we want to? Adopting a more holistic mindset always requires us to look ahead into the future, prioritizing the needs and benefits of the entire group over ourselves. Are we ready to take on this step of leadership and sacrifice our own comforts for the good of the wider community? I believe Jesus has set a fine example on Earth about living as a walking, talking leader in Christ. It is to walk with humility, without pride and with sensitive discernment for people's vulnerabilities, requests and worries. It would mean less of me and more of others.
The King will reply "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for Me." (Matthew 25:40)
To prioritize others means to prioritize Jesus over our own lives and the more we do that, the closer and more tuned in we are to His presence. So yeah, thank you so much for teaching me these life lessons Father. I believe new wisdom can arise from past mistakes. Thank you for redefining a brighter future for me, for letting me know that my mistakes and my past, my weaknesses and my hurt and disappointments have no grip whatsoever in my future. Only You have the control, oh Lord.
Today I learnt the secret in tapping into the supernatural realm of God - of signs and wonders. I'd just like to leave you readers with a quick note from a profound phrase the guest pastor said. It worked like a magic formula for my brain so I hope it will have the same effect to you too.
For those who want to exercise Godly dominion and authority on this Earth: God is looking for His people who are redeemed, anointed and are willing to learn the ways of the Lord in pure humility and in intimacy with Him.
More will be shared later. Gotta go now. Have to catch on my missed beauty sleep haha~ (oh and I'm feeling quite hungry too...at 1.14 AM in the morning/night...) Can't wait to get back on the blog and write to you all very, very soon blessed readers! For now, good night from Melbourne ♥